Blog Virgin

Sonal Shah Uncategorized

So I’m sort of a blog virgin.  Sort of.  I’ve done it before, but it was a long time ago and I’m not sure if I even remember how it was done.  I do know that I did not do it a lot.  I did maybe 3 times.  But, all that said and done…I feel like it never happened. 

I don’t really know what I’m doing here except for the fact that everyone keeps telling me to write a blog.  The thing that stresses me out about this whole situation is that why now?  I should have started years ago.  I should have started when I was in my twenties.  Or even when I moved to Los Angeles.  So that is what sucks.  I want to write about things from the past.  I want to share stories of times when I was cool.  And doing a lot of interesting things.  Everyone has already blogged and I just feel waaaay behind.  What if now is too late?

And how should I even go about this whole thing? What is the difference between Tumblr and WordPress.  And why is it called Tumblr and not Tumbler?  And what is Tumblr anyway?  I know about email and facebook and twitter and instagram…but now there’s more.  I feel like an old idiot because somehow I didn’t get the memo that there’s this cool thing called Tumblr and you can blog on it!!  And apparently everyone has a blog.  But I do not so I should start.  But how can I start now? 

And tagging and hashtags and photos and videos… I need to figure all of this out.  

I just want to be hip.  I just wanna be one of the cool kids.   So here its.  Today…I’ve started.  Because it’s never too late to start. Right?